Wednesday, September 29, 2010

New Partnerships

Universal Screening is complete.
We've made more like partnerships based on this data.

You might have heard we started having a "pop quiz" while reading with a partner.
We want kids to be stopping independently, asking themselves the questions...
1.  Who are the characters in this part?
2.  Where is this happening?
3.  What's going on here?

Math curriculum is picking up quickly in Unit 2.
Counting forward and backward.  (up and back by 1's, up by 5's)
Telling time to the hour.
Coins (nickels and pennies)
Reading tally charts
We've begun Math Boxes in our journals.  They are a great daily skill practice.

Our author study has taken us to Robert Munsch.
We laughed out loud at Smelly Socks today.
Really, so smelly, the skunks fall over and geese fall out of the sky.

Monday, September 20, 2010

Check Heads Tonight

It has been brought to my attention that lice are among us.
Please check your child's head tonight for live bugs or nits.
If you find any and need a treatment...check THIS out.
It is an alternative treatment to the pesticides you buy at the store (and cheaper).

Other hints...put girl's hair up ever day and  have your child keep their sweatshirts in their backpacks.
Thank you!  Let me know if I can help.

Sunday, September 19, 2010

Open House/Ice Cream Social

What a wonderful turn out!
Thanks for exploring our classroom with your student.
Over the summer, a parent (and colleague) and I gave our classroom a fresh new coat of "gleeful" (that's the color) appropriate, really.  I got rid of that clunky teacher desk, rearranged furniture, and even painted the bulletin board (so not to cover it with paper).

Monday, September 13, 2010

Kevin Henkes

We have started to read lots of books by Kevin Henkes!

Chrysanthemum (Ask, what made the kids stop making fun of her name?)
Jessica (Ask, Who was Jessica?)
A Weekend with Wendell (Ask, What are some words to describe his character?)

Here's Kevin Henkes SITE!

Thursday, September 9, 2010

A Good Start

Reading Workshop has begun and children have their own book boxes!  Lessons covered include
1.  Why and What People Read
2.  Expectations for "Read to Self" Time
3.  Readers CARE About Books
4.  3 Ways to Read a Book
5.  Readers Gain A lot of Information from the Illustrations.  Look Closely!  Ask your child about our wordless books!

We are off to a good start.  We are learning about one another, learning routines, learning how to use (and care for)materials and learning it's hard to not talk when you want to.  We've talked about the size of our voices and we stop often to check on them.  We will have 19, soon to be 20 mouths and ideas to accommodate.  Any reinforcements at home would be appreciated.  :)

More to come...on Math Goals and Word Work ...stay tuned.

Wednesday, September 1, 2010

Mark Your Calendar!


6-6:30 in the classroom.
6:30-7 on the playground.

Hope to see you then!