Monday, December 20, 2010

The Great Picture Rescue

I've rescued a handful of photos from my camera.
Here are some from our trip to Old Fort Western in November!
Our group is learning about pinching the sugar. (I think)

ND and LS wash and rinse the dishes.

BK is toasting bread on the open fire.

Wednesday, December 15, 2010

Sharing Books

After snack each day, the children LOVE to share books from our "Books We Have Read" shelf.  They are so engaged!  And they love reliving the stories.

Monday, December 13, 2010

Salmon Science

We had the pleasure of having our first Mystery Reader.  Mr. Keleher read a facts & information book about Salmon and brought in an Atlantic Salmon (male) for us to see and"explore."  At first, we looked... Then we were told we could TOUCH it!  It was a joy for me to see how different students approached this sensory task.  So, if your kids came home smelly fishy on Friday, that's why.  Thank you Mr. Keleher.

Wednesday, December 1, 2010

Mrs. Toggle Books

We have been enjoying a few Mrs. Toggle books.  It's almost like she's at Williams-Cone School, because she miraculously turns into Mrs. Greenleaf and our whole class became characters in this book.  Ask your child which one they liked the best...
Mrs. Toggle's Zipper
Mrs. Toggle's Beautiful Blue Shoe
Mrs. Toggle and the Dinosaur.