You ask--where has Mrs. Greenleaf been? Like Where's Waldo.
I answer--to NYC, stacking wood before the storm, on the soccer field, carving pumpkins, etc.
I feel like my list of things to blog about is quite long... So, here goes--
1. Last Weekend, Mrs. Dunn and I ventured to
NYC to a Teacher's College Reading and Writing Project all day (Saturday) workshop. We attended 8 sessions in total, plus two speakers in the Riverside Church. I went to Conferring with Strong Readers, Strong Questioning, Science within Writing Workshop and Brand New Books. Plus I even sat next to a woman who had been to another Mentor Text workshop...and I copied down her list of books. Resourceful, huh? Have you heard that Mo Willems spoke to the gathered teachers? If you don't know who Mo is, ask your child! :) This was a great trip for many reasons...professional development, time with a colleague, NYC, seeing an old friend, a trip to IKEA, but most of all...staying with my Mom and Dad.
Bottles for Hoops! Drink and Shoot? Anyway, take your returnables to Bootleggers. Let them know you want the money put towards the Williams-Cone Basketball Hoop Fundraiser.
THANK YOU for all the donations to our Family Fun basket. It's looking good! If you haven't donated and WANT to -- just send in something "family fun" or send money and the Friends of WCS will shop for what else is needed.
4. WORMS! Yup, we have worms in the classroom! The Williams-Cone Wigglers. We are
vermicomposting. We've been feeding the worm every Wednesday and covering them with new bedding (shredded paper). They seem to like apples, grapes, egg shells, banana peels and coffee grounds, but NOT carrots. They will traveling to another classroom soon.
5. Mark your calendars!
WCS Craft Fair is THIS Saturday, November 5.
WCS Pasta Supper is Friday, November 18.
6. Volunteers the library. Let me know if you have any "free" time to help shelve books.
See? Yup. A lot to say. And that's only HALF the list. I'll keep going mid week.