Sunday, October 30, 2011

So Much To Say...

You ask--where has Mrs. Greenleaf been?  Like Where's Waldo.
I answer--to NYC, stacking wood before the storm, on the soccer field, carving pumpkins, etc.
I feel like my list of things to blog about is quite long...  So, here goes--

1.  Last Weekend, Mrs. Dunn and I ventured to NYC to a Teacher's College Reading and Writing Project all day (Saturday) workshop.  We attended 8 sessions in total, plus two speakers in the Riverside Church.  I went to Conferring with Strong Readers, Strong Questioning, Science within Writing Workshop and Brand New Books.   Plus I even sat next to a woman who had been to another Mentor Text workshop...and I copied down her list of books.  Resourceful, huh?  Have you heard that Mo Willems spoke to the gathered teachers?  If you don't know who Mo is, ask your child!  :)  This was a great trip for many reasons...professional development, time with a colleague, NYC, seeing an old friend, a trip to IKEA, but most of all...staying with my Mom and Dad. 

2.  Bottles for Hoops!  Drink and Shoot?  Anyway, take your returnables to Bootleggers.  Let them know you want the money put towards the Williams-Cone Basketball Hoop Fundraiser.

3.  THANK YOU for all the donations to our Family Fun basket.  It's looking good!  If you haven't donated and WANT to -- just send in something "family fun" or send money and the Friends of WCS will shop for what else is needed. 

4.  WORMS!  Yup, we have worms in the classroom!  The Williams-Cone Wigglers.  We are vermicomposting.  We've been feeding the worm every Wednesday and covering them with new bedding (shredded paper).  They seem to like apples, grapes, egg shells, banana peels and coffee grounds, but NOT carrots.  They will traveling to another classroom soon.

5.  Mark your calendars!
     WCS Craft Fair is THIS Saturday, November 5.
     WCS Pasta Supper is Friday, November 18.

6.  Volunteers the library.  Let me know if you have any "free" time to help shelve books.

See?  Yup.  A lot to say.  And that's only HALF the list.  I'll keep going mid week.

Sunday, October 23, 2011

The Giving Tree

Mrs. Chase came and read The Giving Tree with the class.  She led us in making posters to show ways they give to others.  We then proceeded to talk about service projects our class could tackle.  We came up with three.
1)  Make a donation to the Coastal Humane Society.
2)  Read to either adults at the Highlands or downstairs at CDS.
3)  Make a donation to the food pantry.
Well, after a democratic vote...the class had decided to send their loving to some animals at the humane society.  I also plan to make a contact with CDS to read with them.

                                                     More information will follow...on how YOU can help.  Thanks!

Tuesday, October 18, 2011

A Tisket, A Tasket...

Our Class is Making a BASKET!


It’s that time of year again...time to prepare for the Williams-Cone School Annual Pasta Dinner and Basket Raffle Fundraiser!  This year the dinner and raffle are scheduled for Friday, November 18th (more details on this exciting event to come later...)

Each class in our school has chosen a special theme for their 2011 Class Basket.  You can support your child’s class by providing donations to fill the basket to be raffled off at the Pasta Dinner.

All proceeds from the raffle and dinner help support educational field trips for each classroom throughout the year.


            FAMILY FUN

Suggestions for donated items include, but are not limited to.....

puzzles, playing cards, Jenga, movie gift card, Yahtzee, Mancala, bowling gift card, Rollerworld gift card, blanket, Uno, coloring books, Connect 4, Bananagrams, Headbandz, cribbage boards, Apples to Apples, Twister..

Please use your imagination!  If you would prefer to send in a cash donation vs. purchasing items, please feel free.  We will shop for you!  All donations will be used to purchase items on your behalf to fill your child’s classroom basket.  Checks can be made payable to:  Friends of Williams-Cone.

Thank you in advance for you donations.  All basket donations are due by Friday, October 28th, 2011.

Wednesday, October 12, 2011

One Happenin' Place!

WCS is busy these days!  Mark your calendar with THESE dates!

Friday, October 14----------------Picture Day (9:40...before snack and recess)  :)
Friday, October 21----------------Book Order due to Mrs. Greenleaf
Tuesday, October 25-7pm--------Friends of Williams-Cone Meeting 
Saturday, November 5------------WCS Craft Fair 
Friday, November 18-------------WCS Pasta Dinner and Basket Raffle

Books, Books, Books orders, book fair, book sale, book scampi, book gumbo, baked stuffed book...

No, but really, lots of book opportunities coming up.

1.  Book Order (October and November) are due Friday, October 21.  Please make one check out to Scholastic, as I can not send cash through the mail.

2.  Book Fair (in the WCS Library) runs from Friday, October 14 - Thursday, October 20.
     Hours of operation...
     Wednesday--10:15-3:00 and 5-7pm
     ***Please note that there are other (non-book) items available at the book fair.  If you do not want your child to purchase posters, erasers, pens and such, please write BOOKS ONLY on an accompanying note or envelope.  Thanks.***

Please be aware the selection & price can vary between book fairs and book orders, even though they are both run by Scholastic.

Sunday, October 9, 2011


I would like you to know about a district wide subscription that we are very excited about.
It's called BrainPOP!

Click on this link.  BRAINPOP JUNIOR
Save it to your computer bookmarks.
Your child will love to play here, and you'll love it, as the parent.
You'll need a password.  The username is wcspop.  The password is wcspop.
Happy Popping!

Tuesday, October 4, 2011

The Doorbell Rang

1.  What a treat!  Really, literally.
We had our first mystery reader today!  BH's "Grammy Jo" came, read (a book called The Doorbell Rang) and baked cookies.  Yum!

Everyone had their hand in the cookie jar today!  Everyone did a job...mix, measure, pour, scoop, name it!

Thank you Grammy Jo!

2.  You noticed that a clock came home with homework yesterday.  This is meant to stay at home to use as a resource.  Put it on the fridge and have your child show you times to the hour.  Please also practice counting by 5's.  We are soon introducing the nickel (and currently counting tallies) and counting by 5's makes this work more manageable! 

3.  We have been writing lovely stories and sustaining writing time for about 30 minutes.  At this time of the year this is fantastic!  I am quite impressed.

     Writers are remembering to
  • plan their stories across the pages (tell, tell, tell, sketch, sketch, sketch, write, write, write)
  • notice when they include ACTION, TALK and FEELINGS in their stories.  They know!
  • rewind the movie of an event in their head, (and replay it) to remember what happened.
4.  In reading workshop we are talking about WHAT to do when we get to a "bumpy part" in a book.
Ask your child what they should do.  We are focusing using multiple strategies simultaneously.
  • be brave, try something...Readers stop and say "HUH?" when they hit bumps!
  • check the picture while asking, "What makes sense?" and looking at the beginning sounds.
  • go back and remind yourself what has happened thus far.