Wednesday, October 24, 2012

Catching up!


1.  If you have items for our Maine Basket, please send them in by Friday, October 26.

2.  The Pasta Dinner is Friday, November 16.  5:30-7:00  Mark your calendar!

3.  We have set a new reward!  The class has voted to have a TALENT show...of our own.  I'll let you know when...!

4.  Our last reward was VERY "fun."  We did a few experiments.  Did you hear about the dancing raisins?  The faux lava lamp?  or the color mixing? 

5.  In reading we have been...
     *  working on fluency
     (reading smooth like you talk, paying attention to fluency, reading with expression)
     *  choosing just-right books
     *  understanding what we read by...retelling (first, next, then, after that, finally)
     *  giving ourselves pop-quizes (who is in this part?  where are they?  what is happening?)
     *  reading long and strong...keeping our eyes in the book!

6.  In writing we have been...
     *  planning across the pages, sketching the story then writing the words.  (in that order)
     *  putting action, talk and feelings into our stories
     *  zooming into a specific part of our story.  Ask your child about the watermelon and seeds.
         The watermelon would be the story idea. (Beach) 
         The seeds would be the many story ideas from the beach.  (Boardwalk, water, sand-castles)
     *  being purposeful about how we start/end our stories.
          Stories can start with a sound, talk, or the weather.
          Stories can end with our feelings, or the last thing we said or did.