Here's what's going on in our first grade class...
1. In math, we have started unit 2. Here are the targets for the end of the unit.
a. write numbers 7, 8, 9, 0.
b. solve number stories.
c. count pennies.
d. count nickels.
e. tell time to the hour.
f. read a tally chart.
2. The class has chosen and voted on their first reward! Ask them about our marble jar and how we earn marbles. The reward is PAJAMA DAY with a stuffie! I'll keep you posted on the date. We are awfully close to filling the jar.
3. Generating writing topics is one of the most difficult steps of writing for most. As you go through your daily routine and events happen for your family, please help them by "feeding" them topics. Say, "Oh! You could write about this!" "How would it go?" (and rehearse it orally) I like to say we catch ideas and put them in our pockets to write about later.
4. I am aware that there is lice in other classrooms here at school. Please remind your children to not share hats, combs, coats, etc. Other fabulous preventative measures are to put hair UP and do head checks. I know my hair is up!
5. Oh, and have you heard any details about the Hoboken Chicken Emergency that we are reading?
Happy October! (already?)
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