Tuesday, February 2, 2010

Half-Way Day...or there about


1. Next Friday will be a Valentine Party/Friendship Party. Each child should bring valentines for all classmates. Look in home folders for a list of names. You are encouraged to bring a healthy snack to share with the group (popcorn, carrots/dip, grapes, crackers/cheese). Please post what you plan to bring in the comment section below.

2. We have been...
-choosing a story to fix-up/add to and publish.
-trying to wrap our heads around the quarter.
-reading books to analyze the author's techniques to incorporate into our own writing.
-filling in more letters toward our stuffed animal reward. We should see animals sometime next week. I'll keep you posted.

3. Did you know we have reached half-way day? We are just over half-way done with first grade. I am quite impressed with student work these days.