Monday, February 27, 2012

Maine Outdoor Weekend!

Did you know this even existed?
Thought I'd share it!

Saturday, February 11, 2012

Spirit Week

1.  Monday is Mismatch Day!  (socks, shoes, patterns, earrings, etc)
     Tuesday is Red and White Day
     Wednesday is Crazy Hair or Hat Day
     Thursday is Favorite Idol Day (book character, athlete, celebrity--no masks please)
     Friday - Beach Day
     ***the class with the greatest percentage of participation will celebrate with a pizza party.***

2.  I haven't forgotten to send home the reading home log.  I just haven't done it, mostly because I was only getting a handful back.  I will just assume you are reading at least 15-30 minutes per night.  If you feel like having the form helps with the structure and accountability of reading, I would be happy to reinstate this practice or even send it home with just a few.  Send me an email or weigh in under comments...  Thanks.

3.  We have started our own box of non-fiction books in our classroom library.  WE are the authors!  

Tuesday, February 7, 2012

February? Already?

Greetings everyone,
February is here and here's what we're up to...

1.  Dr. Sullivan and Dr. Obery, local area teeth specialists, came to visit our first grade! 
     We talked about healthy foods and healthy hygiene habits.

2.  Quick response--Paper Towel Tube Request has been filled.

3.  Red Claws Game--March 11--Get your tickets ASAP

4.  Learning to read NON-FICTION. 
     -  Get ready to read NF, just like getting ready to read Fiction (title, blurb, picture walk)
     -  Warming up our brains before reading NF. 
                        Ask--What do I already know? (Keep it in mind...)
                        Then Ask--What more do I know now?  

5.  Learning to write ALL ABOUT Books
     -  Choose a topic that 1) you know a lot about   2) you have experience with
     -  Think about your audience and why you are writing
     -  Organize their topics into sections/categories/chapters (Table of Contents)
     -  Develop your facts in each section