Monday, September 28, 2009

What's New?

We have been...
-reading so many Kevin Henkes books.
-getting many assessments done, as to better service the class.
-identifying the number of syllables in words/pictures/objects.
-counting by 1's and 5's, making tallies, number before and after, telling time to the hour.
-writing about things we KNOW, things that have happened to us.
-writing in booklets! They are wonderful, longer, more detailed stories.
-working on automaticity of letter names/sounds.
-figuring out my mystery sentence. "The leaves are b________." What makes sense? Does it fit?
-earning tons of glass globs.

1. wearing our pajamas to school on Thursday, Oct. 1. If you are able to pick up bowls, spoons or vanilla ice cream, please let me know.

2. walking to school Wednesday, Oct. 7. We'll meet at the Topsham Fairgrounds again.

3. seeing parents for Curriculum Night on Wednesday, Oct. 7. 6:30-7:30. Come hear how to support your child at home with reading and math.

Wednesday, September 23, 2009

Wash Your Hands & Wear Helmets!!!

OK, so is sideways better than no photo, or no photo better than sideways???
(It IS vertical in iphoto...)
2 things
1. Mrs. Barter, our school nurse, came and spoke with kids about appropriate sneezing/coughing techniques...and hand washing. Ask your child how long you are supposed ot wash your hands. Holy cow!

2. We had a serious conversation today about the importance of helmets while riding scooters and bikes. Many kids told me they didn't or didn't have to wear helmets. I was surprised and didn't know if I should believe them.
I shared a story with them about my aunt, who was riding a scooter, crashed and had brain injuries...had to learn to walk and read all over again.
I have 2 extra girl helmets at home. If you need one of them, let me know and I'll send one home with your child. (they are in the Goodwill box right now) Safety First!

Tuesday, September 15, 2009

Everyday Math Games

Here's a site to go along with our math curriculum.
Try it out.
If you look at our Home Link papers that come home, you'll notice a number like 1-10.
This means Unit 1, Lesson 10.
That will give you an idea of what lessons have already been covered when you are trying to choose an activity.
Let me know what you think.

Math Explorations

Today we explored MANY math materials.
Pattern Blocks
Attribute Blocks
Base 10 Blocks
We talked about using these tools to help discover something, perhaps an answer to a question...
Actually it's good to explore, so when we use these materials again, some of the newness is gone.

Nice To Meet You!

Thank you for taking time to check out our class. It's always great to meet families, see you interact with your children and see the joy they get from sharing their classroom.

Sunday, September 13, 2009

Open House

Monday, September 14th!
5:30 Meet the Principal (see photo to the right)
6:00 Visit Classrooms
6:30 Ice Cream Social (on the playground)

First Grade Curriculum Night will be Wednesday, Oct. 7

Wednesday, September 9, 2009

Pajamas and Ice Cream

Catchy title, huh?
Well, we are well on our way to a whole class reward. It was a tie between Pajama Day and Ice Cream (their ideas). So, what is a teacher to do? Combine them, right? I'll let you know when this happens.

The mailbox was full today. Paper overload.
1. A personal info page (please update and return)
2. District-wide internet permission slip (I appreciate you doing a quick consent prior)
3. Book Order (due Friday, September 18) Please make one check made payable to SCHOLASTIC.

One last thing.
I told the kids I'd let you know...I said it was okay to search the milkweed for monarch caterpillars...and bring them in if they find any. Thanks. I know how sometimes messages acan get lost in the translation. camera battery is charged. Watch out!

Tuesday, September 8, 2009

Meet Mrs. Anderson

Today, we...
- met Mrs. Anderson, our new literacy teacher leader.
She read us a book about the best place to read. (my camera battery died)
- played "top-it" in math. We always called it "war."
- used our slates (dry erase boards) to show the number before/after.
- went to computer lab (1/2 class at a time with Mrs. Stack).
- continued to work on our ABC book.
- practicing handwriting letter c and number 2.
- are working so well with our partners. Staying focused, playing fair, etc.

Reminder, please send coins by Friday.

Saturday, September 5, 2009

A Week In Review

This week we have been...
-making a little version of The Bus Ride book.
- interviewing 2 friends and writing about them.
- reviewing letter names and sounds.
- having sentences make sense, when you get to a word you don't know.
- playing tug-of-war with a swimming noodle in PE.
- trying out our new gross motor lab classroom.
- started an ABC book.
- learned to play Monster Squeeze and The Bunny Hop (math games). (in photos)

Please send the following coins to school with your child by Friday, Sept. 11. We will be using them with our new Everyday Math curriculum.
- 10 pennies
- 5 nickels
- 10 dimes
- 2 quarters

Mark your calendars!
Monday, September 14. (5:30-7) Meet Mr. C./Open House/Ice Cream Social

Wednesday, September 2, 2009

"Creatures Came to Life!"

Here's what the students said about today...
IG said, "We made a book about ME." (really, everyone made a page about her)
HA said, "We used pennies and dice for math."
WH said, "We used pattern block templates to draw our shapes." (a stencil tool)
JH said, "We read a story where the creatures came to life." (Mrs. Smith's Incredible Storybook)

I say...
-we practiced thinking about meaning while they read (in a whole group activity)
-we are earning glass globs for positive behavior. The reward will soon be determined.
-we are practicing stopping & listening for directions when they hear a signal (ding, clap, etc)
-we were superb partners while playing the penny-dice game!