Monday, January 9, 2012

A New Month

Here's what we've been up to...

READING---our new unit is, what I'm calling, "Reading on Stage." 
(Getting to know the characters in your books, like an actor would know his character.)
We've talked about--and practiced--
--reading our books like they are lines in a play.  (read & reread using our storytelling voices).
--readers change their voices when they are characters and narrators.
--readers think about what's happening to the character and how they feel and match their voices to the story.
--readers zoom-in on tag words like yelled, shouted, said, whispered.

WRITING---our new unit is writing persuasive letters, so watch out!
(Warning:  Letters could be coming your way.  I heard lots of complaints about beds this morning  :))
We've talked about--and are beginning to practice--
--collecting IDEAS for letters we want to write. 
   Things in our world (big and small) that we want to change or make better.
--WHO our audience is...who would else would care, who could help?
--REHEARSE the letter before we write...think how to word it.

That's the quick version.
This next week/or two I will be completing universal screening.  That means administering the DRA and DIBELS, and looking at your child's progress. 


  1. We are reading a STINK book...(in the Judy Moody series) where Stink writes letters to companies. Ask your child to tell you more.

  2. Nelle read aloud to her grandparents at a restaurant. I wonder if she will write them a persuasive letter, too?

  3. Do you think we can get a group discount on a volume order of BEDS? Oh my, they make me smile! Does ANYONE think their bed is actually comfortable?
