Monday, September 28, 2009

What's New?

We have been...
-reading so many Kevin Henkes books.
-getting many assessments done, as to better service the class.
-identifying the number of syllables in words/pictures/objects.
-counting by 1's and 5's, making tallies, number before and after, telling time to the hour.
-writing about things we KNOW, things that have happened to us.
-writing in booklets! They are wonderful, longer, more detailed stories.
-working on automaticity of letter names/sounds.
-figuring out my mystery sentence. "The leaves are b________." What makes sense? Does it fit?
-earning tons of glass globs.

1. wearing our pajamas to school on Thursday, Oct. 1. If you are able to pick up bowls, spoons or vanilla ice cream, please let me know.

2. walking to school Wednesday, Oct. 7. We'll meet at the Topsham Fairgrounds again.

3. seeing parents for Curriculum Night on Wednesday, Oct. 7. 6:30-7:30. Come hear how to support your child at home with reading and math.


  1. I don't see any posts so I'm thinking you still need all of the things listed? Shoot me a list of quantities and I'll be happy to make sure you have them Thursday morning. Glass globs... all I've been hearing about! Too funny.

    Love reading about what the kids are learning about in school. It makes it so much easier to start and carry on conversations about school. No more, "What did you do in school today?" Now I say, "Tell me about the things you have been tallying in math class," or "How high can you count by 5?" Richer conversations... plus she knows I'm keeping up with what is going on in school. Thanks, Dana!

  2. Great! That's my whole goal here. Improve communications about school.

    If you get bowls and spoons and sprinkles? That would be fantastic. We have 15 kids plus me equals 16.

    I appreciate your offer! Thanks so much.
