Saturday, September 5, 2009

A Week In Review

This week we have been...
-making a little version of The Bus Ride book.
- interviewing 2 friends and writing about them.
- reviewing letter names and sounds.
- having sentences make sense, when you get to a word you don't know.
- playing tug-of-war with a swimming noodle in PE.
- trying out our new gross motor lab classroom.
- started an ABC book.
- learned to play Monster Squeeze and The Bunny Hop (math games). (in photos)

Please send the following coins to school with your child by Friday, Sept. 11. We will be using them with our new Everyday Math curriculum.
- 10 pennies
- 5 nickels
- 10 dimes
- 2 quarters

Mark your calendars!
Monday, September 14. (5:30-7) Meet Mr. C./Open House/Ice Cream Social

1 comment:

  1. Dana, please let me know if you need more change. I would be happy to send some in. Love your blog and the idea of sharing it with relatives. I'm forwarding the blog to the grandparents! :)

    Love this format,
    Bethany Billinger
